Custom Audio Production by Dibblebee

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Custom Audio Production

Do you want to make a custom audio production to liven up and spruce your DJ show. Every serious DJ has professional imaging to improve the quality of their show. However, before you make a choice the best thing is to listen to some work done by DJ Drops and Jingles. Dibblebee has voiced and produced hundreds of productions. He wants to be the voice of your DJ gig, commercial, jingle, sweeper, narration or any other voice over production. If you like what you hear in the demo below than have a look at our prices on our company website and place your order. You will notice how competitive the prices are just so that every DJ has a fair chance at some professional imaging. Hire Derek Bullard aka Dibblebee today!

Get more information by contacting Dibblebee

**Please note**

All of Dibblebee’s work including Voiceovers, DJ Intros, Drops, IDs and radio show has moved exclusively to DJ Drops and Jingles at


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